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#1 2013-05-28 17:25:37

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Please Help me...

I recently made an account in G+... a profile Sarwar Ahuja is troubling like anything..when I go for chatting with my dad he always interrupts me... my dad said that it is save...but still I feel its insecure for me...
So what can I do in this case..?

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#2 2013-05-28 17:59:12

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 24,974

Re: Please Help me...

block him

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#3 2013-05-28 18:05:04

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

I discussed my this problem with my dad to while chatting, then he asked me not to do anything...he said no need enter G+ very frequently... but somehow he managed to get my email ID of my gmail account...previously also I blocked him but its not working..

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#4 2013-05-28 18:12:51

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 24,974

Re: Please Help me...

Why not working?

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#5 2013-05-28 18:15:50

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

no...I saw in my yahoo email ID also his mails are coming..till now I didn't tell to my dad about this..but I don't know he got my all personal information such as my birthday, my location, In which school I study and which standard too...

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#6 2013-05-28 18:21:14

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,460

Re: Please Help me...

hi barbie19022002

On the right hand side of the screen you have a space for your picture. There's a down arrow.  Click that and choose privacy.  Then set these so you can keep him out.

Do not reply to the emails!!!

I'll check out who at G_+ you can report this to.

Many countries have people who will help protect you.  eg. In the UK there's a phone line and a website.


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#7 2013-05-28 18:25:19

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

Thank you very much...bob bundy

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#8 2013-05-28 18:33:17

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,460

Re: Please Help me...

On your Yahoo account there's a help button.  Click that and check out the advice about internet safety.  Also how to block emails you don't want. 

If he has emailed you, he must have given away his email address.  Keep a record of it so you can report him.  But don't actually ever respond to his emails.  And make sure you haven't put your address anywhere on-line.  And do tell your Dad.  After all, you haven't done anything wrong so he shouldn't be cross with you; just with this horrid guy. 

I'm 'subscribing' to this thread so I can keep an eye on any more posts you need to make.  If anything else happens, or you need more help with blocking, post back here.


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#9 2013-05-28 18:36:37

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

thanks bob,
I will surely try the trick which you have given me.. but I couldn't understand one funda here..I don't know him right..his also doesn't know me then why he is doing so?

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#10 2013-05-28 18:50:57

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,460

Re: Please Help me...

Why is he doing so?  He sounds like a bad man and his intentions may be horrid.  You need to be aware that there are some nasty people in the world and the internet has given them a way to remain anonymous while doing this sort of thing. 

When you have an email you don't want you can click the spam button.  Any more from the same person should go straight into the spam folder and you can just ignore them.  This doesn't delete them though.  That's so you don't accidentally put something important into spam.  You'll still have to go into the spam folder to delete them.  But you should be able to delete a whole load in one go.

There's a uk site for child protection.  It's intended for adults so some of the news might be scary for you, but here is a link to the child page:


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#11 2013-05-28 18:53:41

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

but somehow I managed to get his location his is in mumbai, india.. strange..

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#12 2013-05-28 18:57:34

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,460

Re: Please Help me...

Sounds like he hasn't kept his profile secret.  But he may be lying.


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#13 2013-05-28 19:08:34

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

I don't know..but I saw his profile was nice one..but still I hate that guy.. anyway at G+ I blogged him won't dare again..from last year he is troubling me like anything

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#14 2013-05-28 19:11:35

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,460

Re: Please Help me...

Glad you've blocked him.  His pic may look nice but that's easy to fake.  Some older men make up teenage profiles so they can get girls to think they're safe.  You need to be suspicious about people on the internet.  They may not be what they seem.

Got to go now; back later.  smile


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#15 2013-05-28 19:18:01

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

Ya you are right.. there are many people who are fake..I shall not trust him...I will soon block him in Yahoo also...but in gmail twice I blocked him up but of no use..

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#16 2013-05-29 00:31:16

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,460

Re: Please Help me...

hi barbie19022002

Have you tried setting up a filter?  The one illustrated below should apply the filter to incoming emails and automatically delete any from the chosen address.


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#17 2013-05-29 00:42:09

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,460

Re: Please Help me...

Just did a google search.  Looks like this is who he'd like to be:

Unlikely the real actor would be playing this game with you.


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#18 2013-05-29 01:27:59

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

Is he an actor...? I don't believe it.. I never saw him in television...

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#19 2013-05-29 01:29:43

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 3,648

Re: Please Help me...

Hi; I watched the show Jyoti and he was in it.


#20 2013-05-29 01:30:59

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

hey do you watch serials..? anyway forget about it.. I hate that can he do such foolish things with me..?

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#21 2013-05-29 01:31:32

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 3,648

Re: Please Help me...

Yes, I watch them with my family everyday.


#22 2013-05-29 01:34:00

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

but after being an actor why is he troubling me so much...?

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#23 2013-05-29 01:35:26

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 3,648

Re: Please Help me...

I think it is not him but an impersonator.


#24 2013-05-29 01:38:53

Registered: 2013-05-24
Posts: 1,314

Re: Please Help me...

How are you so sure about taking his title someone is troubling me...?

Jake is Alice's father, Jake is the ________ of Alice's father?
Why is T called island letter?
think, think, think and don't get up with a solution...


#25 2013-05-29 01:40:19

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 3,648

Re: Please Help me...

Most likely it is am impersonator. I highly doubt that even the scummiest of actors would do such a thing.


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