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#1 2023-05-08 18:28:22

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 47,844

Broadway Quotes - I

Broadway Quotes - I

1. We are living in the excesses of freedom. Just take a look at 42nd Street and Broadway. - Will Durant

2. The only reason anyone goes to Broadway is because they can't get work in the movies. - Bette Davis

3. Every year I go to Broadway to see a musical - I like the music. I saw 'Mamma Mia;' I saw 'Les Miserables;' I saw 'Phantom of the Opera' like six, seven times. - Rafael Nadal

4. I believe we have to bring Broadway a little Latino flair. We have to keep it alive. - Ricky Martin

5. I would love to do Broadway the rest of my life! Because it's challenging, because it makes me grow as an actor, as an entertainer, as an artist, and that's what I need; that's what I'm hooked on. - Ricky Martin

6. Broadway is another monster. I've been touring since I was 12 years old and I love being on the road - one day you're here, next day it's snowing, and the next you are in a desert and it's 110 degrees. So I guess I'm kind of used to the madness physically that you go to when you are an entertainer. But it's been great. - Ricky Martin

7. I'm writing new songs for a Broadway version of Tarzan, which is very interesting. I think what I learned from the Brother Bear score side of things, I've brought into the new Tarzan songs. Thinking outside just guitar, bass, drums and keyboards. - Phil Collins

8. The thing about Broadway, they always welcome you with open arms. - Brooke Shields

9. My plan has always been to return to Broadway every 50 years. - William Shatner

10. I have a place in the Broadway community that can only be earned. - Brooke Shields

11. That's always - that's been another dream of mine, to do a Broadway play. An award winning Broadway play. - Janet Jackson

12. What I like about Broadway is that you are still entertaining. You're standing in front of an audience every night and the critics are not friends at all - and that's good for me as an entertainer because I want to grow. It also gives me the structure of remaining in one city so I can get creative in different ways. Ricky Martin.



It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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