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#1 2018-05-24 15:15:31

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 46,656

Bug Jokes

Q: How do bees get to school?
A: On the school buzz!
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Q: Did you hear about the two bed bugs who met in the mattress?
A: They got married in the spring.
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Q: How do fireflies start a race?
A: Ready, Set, Glow!
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Q: Where do most ants live?
A: In Antlantic City!
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Q: When do spiders go on their honeymoon?
A: After their 'webbing' day!
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Q: What do you call a bug that can't have too much sugar?
A: A diabeetle.
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Q: Why couldn't the butterfly go to the dance?
A: Because it was a moth ball!
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Q: What did one flea say to another?
A: "Should we walk or take the dog?"
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Q: What did one girl firefly say to the other?
A: You glow girl!
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Q: What do moths study in school?
A: Mothematics!
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Q: What do you do with a sick wasp?
A: Take it to a waspital!
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Q: What do ants use to smell good?
A: Deodor-ant!
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Q: What do you call a bug that jumps over cups?
A: A glasshopper!
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Q: What do you call a wasp?
A: A wanna-bee!
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Q: What do fireflies eat?
A: Light snacks!
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It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#2 2018-05-24 15:16:55

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 46,656

Re: Bug Jokes

Q: What do you call two spiders who just got married?
A: Newlywebs!
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Q: What is a caterpillar scared of?
A: A dogerpillar!
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Q: What is a mosquito's favorite sport?
A: Skin diving!
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Q: What kind of bugs live in clocks?
A: Ticks!
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Q: What kind of petroleum do snails use?
A: Shell!
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Q: What's a caterpillar's favorite weapon?
A: A caterpolt!
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Q: How do caterpillars order the latest fashions?
A: Caterloges.
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Q: Why don't vampires like mosquitoes?
A: Too much competition!
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Q: Where's the best place to buy bugs?
A: A flea market!
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Q: What so you call a snail on a ship?
A: A Snailer.
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Q: What is a bugs favorite sport?
A: Cricket.
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Q: Why don't people like bed bugs?
A: Because they get under their skin.
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Q: What did the psychiatrist say to the flower?
A: "So what's bugging you?"
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Q: Why was the grocery store out of butter?
A: Because Butter flies.
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It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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