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#1 2016-05-15 19:52:08

Registered: 2016-05-15
Posts: 26

Absolute number equation help


I'm doing some exercises and i'm stuck at one:

|x| = 12 - x^2

I need to solve this equation. Well, when i try to solve this, i get two quadratic equations:

-1(x+4)(x-3) = 0


(x-4)(x+3) = 0

So the answers i get are:  x = -4, x = 4, x = 3, x = -3, however the book says only x = 3 and x = -3 are viable answers. I understand why this is by plugging in 3 and -3 in the first equations, however i don't understand how i should come to this conclusion computationally?


#2 2016-05-15 21:37:29

Registered: 2016-04-16
Posts: 1,086

Re: Absolute number equation help

When you solve the equation you have to get rid of | | sign.
(1) If x>0 then
Its solution is -4 0r x=3 but you have to fulfil the condition x>0 So x=3 is the only solution for this module
(2) If x<0 then
This gives the solution x=4 or x=-3.but x<0 in this module. So x=-3 is the only solution in this module.
Combine the two.

{1}Vasudhaiva Kutumakam.{The whole Universe is a family.}
(2)Yatra naaryasthu poojyanthe Ramanthe tatra Devataha
{Gods rejoice at those places where ladies are respected.}


#3 2016-05-15 22:18:03

Registered: 2016-05-15
Posts: 26

Re: Absolute number equation help

Oh, thank you, i forgot all about the "if" clauses.


#4 2016-05-16 00:01:06

Registered: 2016-04-16
Posts: 1,086

Re: Absolute number equation help

It is not the matter of if clause. you have to have a clear start especially for terms involving modulus or absolute as we call it. |x| to be taken as -x only if x is negative. That must be followed till solution is obtained. Here you started with |x|=-x and got 2 values 4 and -3 .You have to choose only the consistent one. mathematics is very easy if you follow simple logic and do not mix up things.

{1}Vasudhaiva Kutumakam.{The whole Universe is a family.}
(2)Yatra naaryasthu poojyanthe Ramanthe tatra Devataha
{Gods rejoice at those places where ladies are respected.}


#5 2016-05-16 07:14:32

Registered: 2016-05-15
Posts: 26

Re: Absolute number equation help

thickhead wrote:

It is not the matter of if clause. you have to have a clear start especially for terms involving modulus or absolute as we call it. |x| to be taken as -x only if x is negative. That must be followed till solution is obtained. Here you started with |x|=-x and got 2 values 4 and -3 .You have to choose only the consistent one. mathematics is very easy if you follow simple logic and do not mix up things.

I understand that, when i am learning a new subject things sometimes get a bit overwhelming, so in this case writing a clear if clause helped me to get my bearings and what it was that i was trying to do. Thank you for the answers!


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