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#1 Re: Help Me ! » projectile » 2007-12-01 15:15:03

can some one please help me with that question i asked about projectile.

#2 Re: Help Me ! » differentiation » 2007-12-01 11:49:41

oh sorry...i am new to this i just helped by doing the some...sorry

#3 Help Me ! » projectile » 2007-12-01 08:55:04

Replies: 2

can some body help me with equations of projectile or trajectories????
wat r the equation to find the time,height,speed and other stuf?
i tried the wikipedia its confusing me...

#4 Re: Help Me ! » differentiation » 2007-12-01 08:53:28

y = 6(x^1/2)
dy/dx= 3x^(-1/2) thats the slope or the gradient
dy/dx at x = 4 is = 3*4^(-1/2) = 3/2

therefore the equation of the tangent y-y1=m(x-x1)
y - 12 = 3/2( x - 4 )
2y - 24 = 3x - 12
2y = 3x + 12

when y=0 ,it cuts the x axis
3x + 12 =0
x= -4
so let point A(-4,0)

when x = 0 it cuts the y axis
2y = 12
y = 6
so let point B (0,6)

the distance between to points =√(4^2 + 6^2) = 52 = 4√13
which isin the form of k√13 where k = 4

i hope it makes you clear....sorry if there is any confusion with symbols cos i was not sure how to use them
but the answer and method are correct

#5 Re: Help Me ! » help!!!!!asap » 2007-12-01 08:37:22

e raise to the negative power of half x squared will lead to 1 as x goes to infinity because negative half of x squared will become zero, e raised to the power of zero is the answer should be one over square root of two pi.

i think thats correct if i had not mistaken the question

#6 Introductions » hi everybody » 2007-12-01 08:31:13

Replies: 4

I am pratheepa.
I just discovered this website and it look elike its very helpful..i am an undergrad at san ose state university,CA,USA...doing electrical engineering..
i also think i can help form you al to do my homeowrk and my doubts..i thin ki can get more friends also,cos its look elik ethere 1000s of people in here...
i have already a posted a question about projectile...i hope someone can help me with that..
cu al soon
take care

#7 Re: Help Me ! » M2 Projectile Angles » 2007-12-01 08:25:39

I am a new member to this group...and it looke like its a good one...
can some body help me with equations of projectile or trajectories????
wat r the equation to find the time,height,speed and other stuf?
i tried the wikipedia its confusing me...

thank you
waiting for somene help

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