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#1 Help Me ! » Geometry problem help » 2017-05-27 02:37:58

Replies: 0

Hey,I've been revising for my math semester paper and I have just come across a problem I can't solve :
Prove that in the triangle ABC,IH || BC <=>

,where I is the center of the incircle and H is the orthocenter

#2 Help Me ! » A hard inequality » 2017-04-22 22:53:51

Replies: 0

I've tidied up the Latex to eliminate an error.  Hope this is what you intended, Bob

Let n be a whole number,n>=2.Real numbers

with the sum s have the property that

Prove that
I have been trying to prove it for days but I had no luck.Please help me !
EDIT:Thanks,Bob!It was the first time I have ever tried to write sums in Latex

#3 Re: Help Me ! » What is this notation? » 2017-01-02 02:15:03

Oh right.Thanks for your speedy reply !

#4 Help Me ! » What is this notation? » 2017-01-02 01:58:21

Replies: 4

Hello! I have recently found a problem and I don't know what this notation means.The problem says : find all the triples (x,y,z) for which
{(x-y)/(y-z),(y-z)/(z-x),(z-x)/(x-y)}={x,y,z}.I don't understand what {x,y,z} means.Thanks in advance!

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