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#1 Re: Help Me ! » simple logic yet difficult » 2015-06-11 16:52:37

Hei Bobbym,
Thanks for the answer.. I made a mistake… Fisherman 2 and 3 caught 9 fish.  (Not 2 and 4).

#2 Help Me ! » simple logic yet difficult » 2015-06-11 10:58:51

Replies: 57

Help! My son in 4th grade got this question at school..I have forgotten how we did it when I was young. someone pls help me solve it.

3 fishermen went fishing.
fisherman 1 and 2 caught 7 fish
fisherman 2 and 4 caught 9 fish
fisherman 1 and 3 caught 12 fish

How many fish did each fisherman catch.

Thank you.

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