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#1 Re: Help Me ! » function point » 2015-02-13 20:53:58

solution of the task -

we have the numerical line , on it is straight line AB , point A is located on a number of numerical line , point B anywhere of numerical line , how to describe this as a function ?

A=a , B=x , AB=y , y=|a-x| or y=|x-a|

a=5 , x=(2,5,10)
y=|5-2|=3 or y=|2-5|=3 , length straight AB=3
y=|5-5|=0 or y=|5-5|=0 , no straight AB
y=|5-10|=5 or y=|10-5|=5 , length straight AB=5

we have the number line , on it is straight line AB , point A anywhere of number line , point B anywhere of number line , how to describe this as a function ?

#2 Re: Help Me ! » function point » 2015-01-28 21:50:41

bob bundy wrote:

hi point,

This will make it easier for people to follow, and, by copying out sections, they can add, and comment more easily.


I like the simple, so I give a link, and the ambiguities can respond … pp=WordPdf

#3 Help Me ! » function point » 2015-01-27 21:33:13

Replies: 3

see the attachment,and we'll talk about it!111&app=WordPdf

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