Math Is Fun Forum

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#1 Re: Help Me ! » asd » 2008-04-09 07:45:33

Thanks for the welcome.  smile  Yeah, I love this site.  I'm wishing I had found it sooner.

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Prove the Trig Identity » 2008-04-09 06:54:27

Thanks, that seems a lot easier now.. it looked daunting at first.  I appreciate the help.  smile

#3 Help Me ! » asd » 2008-04-09 06:47:47

Replies: 3

I think this is right, but if you have a moment to check it, that'd be great.


Where A, B, C, D are positive and 0<C<1.  Find the sum of A+B+C+D if the first maximum to the right of the y-axis occrus at
and the first minimum (to the right of the y-axis) occurs at

My Solution:


Only part that I'm kind of unsure about is C.  sad

#4 Help Me ! » Prove the Trig Identity » 2008-04-09 06:36:01

Replies: 2

Prove the trig identity:

I must be doing something wrong because I end up with cos(4x)=1?  x.x  I know I'm getting lost, please help if you have a moment.  smile

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