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#1 Help Me ! » Bode plot problems » 2008-05-10 23:41:07

Replies: 0

I found this tutorial on the net for drawing Bode diagrams, and a got stuck on the part where a have to convert a transfer function from the form


Here is the link how they done it in the example. Why arent they using modules of H
something like

And why the phase angle isnt

Here is the link to the page where this tutorial is.

What am I missing here?

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Line integral problems » 2008-01-08 10:00:39

Why didn't you derivate first when getting dS? [x(t)']^2 [y(t)]^2 [z(t)']^2

#4 Re: Help Me ! » Line integral problems » 2008-01-04 04:26:56

Given two points (a, b, c) and (x, y, z), we wish to construct a line based upon t.  So

C(0) = (a, b, c)
C(1) = (x, y, z)

Correct me if i'm wrong. You wrote points as solutions of the line function C(0) = (a,b,c). In my example i have three points and all i know is that i have to integrate over a triangle which has these points as peaks.

So since Cx(0) = a, we know that n = a.  Since Cx(1) = x and Cx(1) = m + n = m + a, we get that m = (x - a).  So in full, the equation is:

Cx(t) = (x - a)t + a

How do i get that if i don't know the value of the argument in C(x), why did u use 0 and 1?

Why did you define your limits of integration from 0 to 1?

The professor gave us a different formula for the line integral

Is that the same formula u are using?

Here is the whole task, so i you have the time perhaps you could solve just the part with the parametrization.


where k is the border of a triangle with peaks A(3,0,1)    B(0,2,1)   C(1,0,2).

Thx for the latex hint. Cool thing. cool

#5 Help Me ! » Line integral problems » 2008-01-03 14:36:34

Replies: 7


So here is my problem.

I have to calculate a line integral from a curve C

integral   (x+y-xyz)ds

where C is a border of a triangle whit peaks A(3,0,1)   B(0,2,1)   C(1,0,2)

My idea is to integrate separately for each line segment AB,BC,CA,  but what i don't know is how to write those lines as functions and how to define borders of integration.

Off topic question, is there a free program which has mathematical simbols. I've seen people post formulas as jpg-s on this forum and they look fancy with integral sibols etc...


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